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Germany contributes EUR 28 million to support digital transformation of UNRWA education and health programmes, as well as camp improvement interventions in Gaza and Jordan

Posted On: 12-08-2022 | International
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Occupied East Jerusalem/PNN/


On 22 July and 11 August, respectively, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) signed two financing agreements for a total amount of EUR 28 million provided by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank.

EUR 13 million is provided to support the digitalization of the UNRWA health and education programmes to improve access, quality and a more efficient delivery of health and education to Palestinian refugees. The project will fund the implementation of a new health management information system and the development of an Agency-wide online learning management system for basic education students. Furthermore, it will contribute to expand internet access for Palestine refugee students in UNRWA schools in Jordan and Gaza.

In addition, EUR 15 million is provided in support of the construction, extension and rehabilitation of social, economic and environmental infrastructure in Khan Younis Camp and Deir el Balah camps in the Gaza Strip, as well as in Jerash and Marka camps in Jordan.  In Gaza, this phase of the Regional Programme for Improving the Living Conditions of Palestine Refugees in Camps (REPAC) will see the construction of new buildings to re-house families to improve their living conditions, reduce crowdedness and allow for road upgrades and the development of green and recreational spaces as prioritized during participatory urban planning processes with the respective camp communities. In Jordan, several camp improvement interventions will be implemented in line with community priorities, in addition to the construction and rehabilitation of two UNRWA schools.

On the singing of the two agreements, Dr. Anne-Sophie Beckedorf, acting Head of the German Representative Office in Ramallah, said:“Germany continues its support for Palestine refugees and remains a reliable partner for UNRWA. UNRWA services provide an essential lifeline for vulnerable Palestinians and are therefore essential to maintain the stability in the region.”

“Germany has been one of UNRWA’s most reliable and generous partners for many years, with KfW as implementing partner, especially in the areas of camp improvement and infrastructure works which have a profound and sustainable impact on Palestine refugee communities. The new digitalization project will support the development of online health management and learning systems and is a significant component of the Agency’s overall digitalization strategy and an

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