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In a punitive measure, Israel demolishes the family homes of two Palestinian detainees displacing 14 people

Posted On: 08-08-2022 | National News
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Jenin /PNN/

The Israeli army punitively demolished early this morning the family homes of two Palestinian detainees in the Rummana village in the northern West Bank governorate of Jenin, leaving 14 people homeless, according to local and Palestinian security sources.

They said a large army force raided the village in the pre-dawn hours before cordoning off the family homes of Assad Rifai and Subhi Sbeihat, alleged to have carried out an attack in the Israeli town of Bani Barak near Tel Aviv, before demolishing the two homes.

The Sbeihat home was two floors where seven people lived and the Rifai home is one floor where also seven people lived.

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