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Shtayyeh calls on US congress to recognize state of Palestine to achieve the two-state solution

Posted On: 03-08-2022 | Politics
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Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh called on the US Congress to recognize the State of Palestine, which would contribute to the realization of the two-state solution, in light of the systematic destruction that this solution faces due to Israeli measures on the ground.

During a meeting in Ramallah with members of the US congress, Shtayyeh briefed the delegation on the latest political developments, particularly Israel's piracy of Palestinian funds and its escalated violations against the Palestinian people.

The Prime Minister also called for pressuring Israel to respect and abide by the signed agreements, especially allowing the holding of general elections in Jerusalem like the rest of the Palestinian territories as stipulated in these agreements, stopping all unilateral measures by Israel, and reopening the US Consulate in Jerusalem.

Shtayyeh stressed that Israel is escalating its measures on the ground, especially the seizure of land in favor of settlement expansion, which destroys any chance of establishing a geographically connected Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, saying: "We will continue to work to break the fait accompli that Israel is trying to impose on our land and our people."

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