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Rayyan ends 113-day hunger strike

Posted On: 28-07-2022 | National News , Prisoners , Human Rights
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Bethlehem/PNN / Ra’ed Rayyan put an end to his hunger strike after 113 days, which came in protest to their administrative detention. He broke the hunger strike on Thursday after reaching an agreement with Israeli authorities not to renew his administrative detention term. Over 680 Palestinian prisoners are currently being held under the administrative detention policy, through which the Israeli regime keeps the detainees without charge for up to six months; a period which can be extended indefinitely. The detention takes place on the orders of a military commander and on the basis of what the Israeli regime describes as “secret” evidence. Some prisoners have been held in administrative detention for up to 11 years. Israel has issued more than 54,000 administrative detention orders against Palestinian activists since 1967, when it occupied the Palestinian territory of the West Bank during a heavily Western-backed war. There are reportedly more than 7,000 Palestinians held in Israeli jails. Human rights organizations say the regime violates all the rights and freedoms that are granted to incarcerated persons by the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war.

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