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Israeli Occupation plans to build New settlement outposts in the West Bank

Posted On: 26-07-2022 | Politics
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Bethlehem/PNN/ By: Madeeha Al-A’raj The National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report, that Israeli Minister of Interior, Ayelet Shaked announced her support for the settlers to construct outposts. And considered them as - wonderful boys - and praised their role, and that their sincerity is a guarantee of the victory of Zionism of any challenge externally and externally. Moreover, extremist settlers respond to the calls of the Nahla settlement Move to establish 6 outposts in the West Bank in the settlements of Psagot, Talmonim, Refafa. Thus, a number of tents were built on Palestinian lands near the Kiryat Arba settlement. In Ramallah and Al-Bireh, the occupation forces closed the entrance to Burqa village with cement cubes, amid a heavy spread of settlers along Road 60. Following Biden's visit to the region, the Israeli government began promoting the establishment of 2,000 new settlement units in the occupied city of Jerusalem, which would separate the towns of Beit Safafa and Sharafat, and the rest of the Jerusalem neighborhoods. The occupation authorities are encircling Beit Safafa and besieging it with new settlements, of which a plan to establish settlement units in the settlements of Givat Hamatos and Givat Hashakid. They also started to establish a Judaizing tourist and commercial complex under the title “Mount Zion Complex” southwest of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City, and on the lands of Wadi Al-Rababah, in cooperation between the occupation municipality and an Israeli hotel, and a construction company. The occupation authorities confiscated the 15 dunums of lands after occupying Jerusalem in 1967 and considered them as ‘state lands’ without allowing their owners to use them, but rather allocating them for the establishment of the Judaization project. According to the Israeli plan n. 6875, the complex will include the construction of 350 tourist and hotel rooms, 4 halls for meetings and Jewish events, in addition to swimming pools, game halls, and parking lots. They allocated NIS 4.5 million to build a ‘historic temple and innovative visitor center’ in Silwan. According to the plan, the hostel or the center and the synagogue will be built in an old building style that simulates the environment and the area adjacent to the walls of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the old town, and the Silwan neighborhood with its historical buildings, and Umayyad palaces in the style of Arab domes and arches. Furthermore, they recently approved a settlement plan to seize 60.06 dunums of lands from the town of Jayyous in Qalqilya Governorate in order to establish a new settlement neighborhood belonging to the “Tzofim” settlement illegally located on the town’s lands. The plan includes building 92 new settlement units on the town's lands from the northwest side of the settlement. Besides that, the occupation authorities intend to change the allocation of land from an agricultural area to a residential area in “A” and “B” according to the Israeli classification, in addition to buildings and public institutions as well as commercial buildings, and engineering facilities, and internal roads. The settlement plan targets Basin n. 3 in areas known locally as the land of Wadi Husan and Khirbet Nawfal. It also seized about 1,480 dunums of the area surrounding the settlement of ‘Shilo’ from the lands of the villages of Jaloud and Qaryut, south of Nablus, and Turmus'aia and al-Mughayir north of Ramallah in favor of expanding the settlements and the surrounding outposts under military order. They also published 3 new plans to build 702 settlement units in different locations in the West Bank, the initiation of which requires the seizure of about 734 dunums of Palestinian land in Ramallah Governorate, and “the second settlement plan bears n. 205/2/2, and takes over an area of 375.90 dunums near the town of Turmus’aya and the village of Jaloud. The third settlement plan in the Palestinian Jordan Valley bears n. 321/4.” It decides to seize about 254 dunums belonging to the village of Al-Nuweima.

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