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Ahead of his arrival to Bethlehem: Palestinians demand Biden achieve justice and hold the occupation accountable ... Watch PNN Video  

Posted On: 14-07-2022 | Politics , National News , Human Rights , PNN TV Reports
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Bethlehem/PNN/Monjed Jadou

Despite their knowledge of American blind and unconditional support to the Israeli Occupation, Palestinians still hope that the President of the United States of America Mr. Joe Biden who visits Bethlehem tomorrow will change American negative positions regarding the Palestinian issue. That is the reason why Palestinians launch advertising campaigns together with some Israeli Human Rights Organizations in order to draw attention to the Apartheid regime that exists in the Occupied Territories.

Kareem Jubran the director of the field research department at the Israeli human rights center B’Tselem told PNN that  B’Tselem welcomes President Biden with a billboard campaign: Mr. President, this is apartheid.

He added that today, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem put up billboards and digital screens in the West Bank cities of Bethlehem and Ramallah, ahead of US President Biden’s visit to Israel and the West Bank, reading: “Mr. President, this is apartheid.” to remind him that Israel is an apartheid state.

Another campaign that Palestinians will welcome the United States President with is the one that is calling for justice for the American journalist of Palestinian origin Sherine Abu Akleh who was killed by Israeli soldiers. Shireen’s murder is a symbol of the injustice that all Palestinian have been living for the past 74 years according to Munther Amira who painted the slogan on the Helicopter landing pad where Biden leaves Bethlehem from.

Munther who is a Palestinian popular resistance activist told PNN that he hopes USA president  Joe Biden will see these words calling for justice for Shreen Abu Akleh that killed by Israeli soldiers as many Palestinians, adding that Shreen Abu Akleh represents all kinds of PersecutionPalestinians faced.

Bethlehem the Christian city that lives under Israeli occupation municipality finished its preparations to welcome Biden hoping he will follow Jesus Christ's steps to ensure justice and real peace.

Nader Rahel Deputy Mayer of Bethlehem said in an interview with PNN that Bethlehem has been under siege for tens of years. We believe in Bethlehem and the Holy Land that peace should prevail in the city and in all of Palestine. We hope that Mr. Biden will follow Christ’s steps toward justice, freedom, and peace, and this is something we know that the President has the ability to achieve if he wants to achieve it.

At the Palestinian political level, political parties believe that the visit requires serious steps by the Americans in order to change the reality of Palestinian lives of oppression and subjugation. Palestinians have a negative perception and they lack trust in the United States because of its unwavering support of the Occupying Power, Israel, both politically and financially.

Muhammad Al-Lahham, a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement led by the Palestinian president told PNN that the Palestinians have a pessimistic view of Biden's visit because of the American positions on the Palestinian issue and these positions lead to pessimism in the street and among the leadership, which may not express its position, but there is pessimism at the political level especially when we see the US administration's efforts to arrange the region away from solving the Palestinian issue, and this is annoying to all Palestinians

After years of neglect and biased positions of the US in favor of Israel, Palestinians hope that the current administration will adopt positions in line with international law and in favor of human rights to achieve relative justice for their young generations and help them achieve their right to self-determination and to restore hope for peace.

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