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Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinian youths in separate shootings across West Bank

Posted On: 09-05-2022 | Politics , National News
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Bethlehem /PNN/ Israeli occupation soldiers have shot dead tow young Palestinians in separate incidents across the occupied West Bank, amid a flare-up of tensions between Palestinians and Israrl in the occupied territories. In a brief statement, Palestine’s ministry of health announced “the martyrdom of Mahmoud Sami Khalil Aram” that occurred on Sunday evening, after Israeli forces opened fire on him near the Jbara military checkpoint, south of Tulkarm, the local sources reported. Israeli media reported earlier that the Palestinian youth, who was from the besieged Gaza Strip, was allegedly trying to cross over the separation wall in Tulkarm. In second shooting, a Palestinian youth who was trying to open the gate of Tuqu settlement in eastern Bethlehem by shooting at the lock, was discovered and killed by the guard of the Israeli settlement. Some Israeli sources say four Palestinians tried to infiltrate the settlement, three of whom fled away after the fourth was shot dead. The youth were identified as Mutasem Mohammed Atahallha from Harmhala village east of Bethlehem. Separately on Sunday, another Palestinian youth was injured by Israeli soldiers at Bab al-Amoud, also known as Damascus Gate, one of the main gates of the occupied Old City of  Jerusalem , over an alleged stabbing attack. Israeli media said the killing occurred after an Israeli security officer was stabbed outside the Old City, with the attacker shot and injured. Israeli security forces claimed that a "suspect armed with a knife stabbed an officer" outside the Damascus Gate, who was then taken to hospital in moderate condition. The latest development comes as the Israeli regime has escalated its deadly attacks against Palestinians in the run-up to Ramadan and sustained the violence throughout the holy fasting month, stirring up amIsraeli sentiments throughout the occupied territories. The Israeli regime has also ramped up its violent attacks on Palestinian worshipers in the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of al-Quds in recent weeks. Early this month, thousands of people across the globe took to the streets to deplore Israeli violence against Palestinians at al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere in the occupied territories. Since last month, at least 25 Palestinians have been killed in attacks by Israeli forces across the occupied territories.

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