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UN Chief remains concerned over deteriorating situation in Palestinian territories

Posted On: 20-04-2022 | International
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NEW YORK/PNN/ UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern over the deteriorating situation in Jerusalem, particularly the incidents in and around the holy sites. A statement issued by the spokesperson said the Secretary-General is actively engaged with leaders to do all they can to lower tensions, avoid inflammatory actions and rhetoric, and restore calm. “The provocations must stop immediately. The ongoing holy days for Muslims, Jews, and Christians should be a period of peace and reflection, not incitement and violence,” read the statement. The Secretary-General reiterated that the status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem must be upheld and respected. He affirmed commitment to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of relevant United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements. The Secretary-General also reaffirmed the need to avoid the excessive use of force and to stop all unilateral measures, like settlements and evictions that can undermine the two-state solution.

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