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Settlers attack Palestinians’ homes in downtown Hebron

Posted On: 03-04-2022 | Human Rights
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Israeli settler fanatics last night attacked Palestinians’ homes in the old city of Hebron, south of the occupied West Bank, according to local and security sources. No injuries were reported.

Rampaging settlers hurled stones at the homes of Palestinians at Shalala Street in the old city of Hebron. No injuries were reported.

The city of Hebron is home to roughly 200,000 Palestinians and about 800 notoriously aggressive Israeli settlers who live in colonial compounds in the heart of the city, heavily guarded by Israeli troops.

Israel has expelled the only international monitors protecting Hebron’s Palestinians from the 800 heavily guarded settlers, one of whom committed the 1994 massacre that triggered their deployment.

Settler violence against Palestinians and their property is routine in the West Bank and is rarely prosecuted by the Israeli occupation authorities.

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