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IOF attack Palestinians following funeral procession of slain boy

Posted On: 24-02-2022 | National News
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Bethlehem/PNN/ Several Palestinians suffocated today evening after inhaling tear gas fired at them by Israeli forces during clashes that broke out in the town of Al-Khader to the south of Bethlehem, in the southern West Bank. Clashes reportedly broke out following the funeral procession of 14-year-old Mohammad Shehadeh who was killed last night by Israeli forces during clashes in the town of al-Khader. Israeli forces used rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas canisters, and stun grenades against residents, causing several suffocations cases among them. They were all treated at the scene. In the meantime, a 13-year-old boy sustained bruises and fractures after being chased down by Israeli army soldiers in the town of Beit Fajjar to the south of Bethlehem, said security sources. Israeli soldiers chased after the boy until he fell down while trying to run away, causing him fractures in his foot and multiple bruises. The boy was briefly detained before forces let him go. He was then taken to the hospital for medical treatment. [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="44290,44291"]

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