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EU: children imprisonment against international law & administrative detention must be stopped

Posted On: 18-01-2022 | Politics , Prisoners , Human Rights
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The European Union said today that the imprisonment of children by Israel is against international law, adding that the administrative detention must be stopped.

EU comment came in response to the Israeli occupation authorities' renewal of 17-year-old Palestinian Amal Muamar Nakhleh’s detention was extended until 18 May 2022.

Amal has been administratively detained by Israeli authorities since 21 Jan 2021, and so far spent nearly 1 year in prison without being informed of the charges.

The EU added that Amal suffers from a severe autoimmune disease and imprisonment poses significant risks to his health.

Under international law, children and their rights must be protected, and the use of administrative detention without formal charges must cease the EU said.

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