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EU on demolitions in East Jerusalem: illegal under international lawj

Posted On: 17-01-2022 | Politics , Human Rights
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After observing the ongoing Israeli demolition in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, the European Union Representative Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff said the demolitions in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law.

The EU Representative, some member states and like-minded countries watched as staff from the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem proceeded to demolish the residence and evict members of Salahia family in Sheikh Jarrah, which would displace 12 people, including five children.

“Imperative to deescalate the situation and seek a peaceful resolution,” said the EU Representative in a tweet. “Evictions/demolitions are illegal under international law and significantly undermine the prospects for peace as well as fuel tensions on the ground.”

The Israeli municipality proceeded to demolish a family business near the house.

For his part British consul general in Jerusalem Diane Corner today criticized Israel’s attempt to evict a Palestinian family from its home in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, stressing that evictions in occupied territory are against international humanitarian law.

Corner was among European diplomats who watched this morning as staff from the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem attempted to evict members of Salahia family in Sheikh Jarrah, which would displace 12 people, including five children, and demolish their business located opposite the British Consulate in East Jerusalem.

“Evictions in Occupied Territory are against international humanitarian law in all but the most exceptional circumstances,” said the British Consul General in a tweet. “The United Kingdom urges the Government of Israel to cease such practices which only serve to increase tensions on the ground,” she said.

The Israeli municipality proceeded nevertheless to demolish the family business despite the local and international uproar.

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