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Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian land, demolish business in Jerusalem

Posted On: 10-01-2022 | National News , Human Rights
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In Israeli act of aggression by Israel against Palestinians in the village of Isawiyya, northeast of East Jerusalem, Israeli bulldozers razed land, and demolished a car wash on Monday.

Local sources said that the razed land belonged to Fadi Alyan, a guard at al-Aqsa Mosque, whom Israel has had under detention since last year.

The source added that a large police force escorted a bulldozer to the neighborhood, which lies on the eastern slopes of occupied Jerusalem, where the heavy machinery tore down the car wash.

At the same time, an excavator leveled a plot of land owned by an employee with the Islamic Waqf department, who is currently in Israeli custody.

Situated in the hills of East Jerusalem, Isawiyya is plagued by poor infrastructure and residents are constantly harassed by the Israeli police.

Rights groups have long pointed out that Israel’s discriminatory policies in East Jerusalem, including routine home demolitions, discriminatory allocation of building permits, and the forceful expulsions of Palestinians from their homes for the benefit of Israeli colonial settlements, are aimed at driving out Palestinians from the city to tilt the demographic balance in favor of its Jewish population.

In 1967, and during the Six-Day Arab-Israeli War, Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip — territories the Palestinians want for a future state. It later had to withdraw from Gaza. Since then, more than 600,000 Israelis have been living in over 230 settlements that continue to grow in number to this day.

The United Nations Security Council has condemned Israel’s settlement activities in several resolutions. But it has only been for the record.

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