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Hundreds of thousands protest Gaza genocide across UK and Ireland

Posted On: 29-10-2023 | International , Palestinian Diaspora
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London/PNN / Roddy Keenan report 

Once again, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the UK and Ireland to demonstrate against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and to voice their support for an end to the occupation of Palestine.

In London, half a million people marched to Parliament Square, seat of the UK government, to demand that the UK regime call for an immediate ceasefire and withdraw its support for the Israeli Zionist regime’s savage assault on the people of Gaza. 

Meanwhile, in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and other cities across Engand, Scotland and Wales, tens of thousands more marched to show their government that the people of the UK are vehemently opposed to supporting the crimes of the Israeli occupation regime.

In Ireland too, there were huge demonstrations in Dublin, Belfast, Cork and numerous other towns and cities, where, just as in previous weeks, the Irish public demanded an end to the bombing of Gaza. 

The rallies in Ireland came at the end of a week that saw the widening of a rift between the Dublin government and the Israeli regime.  

Following the air strike on the Al-Ahli hospital, the Irish President Michael D Higgins, said that there needed to be a ‘reliable investigation into the attack’ on the basis that it may have been a ‘war crime.’ 

The Israeli ambassador, Dana Erlich, immediately hit back, accusing the Irish president of spreading ‘misinformation.’ In response to Erlich’s accusation, Simon Coveney, a minister in the Irish government, said the ambassadors ‘pointed’ comments were unhelpful. Coveney, who had previously been Minister for Foreign Affairs, added that the Irish president’s comments ‘reflected the view of many in Ireland.’ And on Saturday, as thousands took to the streets of Ireland, this proved to be the case.

As the brutal assault on Gaza goes on, demonstrations are set to continue. Plans are already in place to follow up today’s events across the UK and Ireland with more protests next weekend. And they will go on for as long as the genocidal Israeli regime continues with its murderous and barbaric rampage in Gaza

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