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Israeli aircrafts, tanks shell locations in besieged Gaza, Palestinian injured

Posted On: 22-09-2023 | National News
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Gaza /PNN/

Israeli occupation warplanes attacked this evening two locations east and southeast of Gaza city, injuring a Palestinian man and causing damage, said sources.

An unmanned aircraft targeted with at least two missiles a location to the east of city, causing injuries to a Palestinian, which necessitated his transfer to hospital for treatment, and material damage at the site.

Israeli tanks also shelled a location east of Juhor ad-Dik area, south east of Gaza city. No injuries were reported in the attack.

An unmanned aircraft further bombed with at least one missile the same location shortly after the tanks' attack.

Earlier Friday Several Palestinians suffocated today as Israeli military forces attacked Palestinians protesting peacefully at the Gaza-Israeli borders to the east of the Gaza Strip, said sources.

Israeli soldiers deployed along the borders to the east of the Strip fired tear gas canisters at dozens of Palestinians who continued for the seventh consecutive day to demonstrate in protest of the Israeli occupation’s continued crimes against Palestinians and their holy sites and the ongoing blockade imposed on the strip. Several suffocation cases were reported.

A minor was also struck in the thigh with a tear gas bomb and transferred to hospital for medical treatment.

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