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Unite the Union Reaffirms Support for Palestine, Condemns Anti-Boycott Bill

Posted On: 14-07-2023 | Politics , International
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Unite the Union, Britain's second-largest union, has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause by passing three significant motions during its Conference. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) warmly welcomes this decision, which reinforces the union's support for the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign for freedom and justice.

The unanimous passage of one of the motions calls on the UK government to abandon its controversial anti-boycott bill. The bill seeks to limit the ability of public bodies to make ethical choices regarding spending and investment, aligning them with public support for human rights, climate goals, and international law. Critics, including members from all political parties, argue that this legislation hampers various social justice and environmental campaigns worldwide.

Unite's motion further affirms the union's recognition of Israel's practice of apartheid and demands an end to the proposed free trade agreement between the UK government and Israel. It also expresses support for BDS campaigns targeting companies complicit in Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

Today's Conference marks a significant moment, as Unite the Union represents 1.2 million workers and its three motions solidify the union's ongoing solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation. The motions also condemn the government's anti-boycott bill, which is currently undergoing committee stage review in the House of Commons.

The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) bill, commonly known as the anti-boycott bill, has stirred controversy due to its potential ramifications on public bodies' ethical decision-making processes regarding spending and investment. Critics argue that the bill shields companies involved in human rights abuses or environmental destruction and infringes on the rights of Local Government Pension Scheme members, including Unite the Union members.

Unite the Union is affiliated with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, joining 15 other trade unions and nearly 70 civil society organizations in a coalition aimed at defeating the anti-boycott bill.

Director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Ben Jamal, emphasizes the critical importance of Unite the Union's unanimous support for BDS motions at a time when the government attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions. Jamal affirms that Unite will continue to stand alongside the Palestinian people, rejecting all efforts to delegitimize their struggle for liberation.

During the Conference, Unite the Union passed three crucial motions, underscoring its support for the BDS campaign and opposition to the anti-boycott bill. The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) bill limits the ability of public bodies to make ethical decisions on spending and investment. Critics argue that the bill shields companies engaged in human rights abuses or environmental destruction, while also infringing on the rights of pension scheme members.

Unite the Union represents 1.2 million workers and holds longstanding support for BDS. The anti-boycott bill is part of a series of measures attacking democratic participation and freedom of expression. A coalition of civil society organizations, including Unite the Union, has signed a statement opposing the bill.

In another motion, Unite the Union expresses solidarity with six Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations designated as "terrorist organizations" by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. The motion urges the UK government to demand that Israel withdraw these allegations and reaffirm support for Palestinian civil society organizations.

Additionally, a motion highlights the increased violence against Palestinians in Israel, condemning Israel's actions and calling for Unite the Union to publicly recognize Israel's practice of apartheid. The motion also supports BDS campaigns against companies involved in the illegal occupation of Palestine.

Unite the Union is committed to advocating for Palestinian rights and working within global and European federations to bring about positive change. The union encourages its members to participate in delegations to Palestine and pledges continued support for the work of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Labour & Palestine.

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