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The Situation in the West Bank; Ongoing Closures, Casualties, Raids, and Arrests

Posted On: 26-09-2024 | Politics
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West Bank/ PNN

On Thursday, Israeli Occupation Forces closed the main entrances to the village of Madama, south of Nablus. The head of the village council, Abdullah Ziada, stated that IOF has blocked the main access points of the village, preventing the Palestinian citizens from entering and exiting. The village frequently witnesses closures of its entrances, which disrupts the movement of Palestinians.

In Qalqilya, a young man was shot by Israeli forces bullets today, in the village of Hableh, south of the city. Local sources reported that he was injured while he was near the racist separation wall in the village. He was transferred to Darwish Nazzal Government Hospital in Qalqilya.

In Jenin, Israeli occupation forces withdrew early this Thursday morning from the city and its refugee camp after a 15 hour assault, causing significant destruction to the infrastructure. Bashir Matahen, Director of Public Relations at Jenin Municipality, reported that the occupation bulldozers re-destroyed previously rehabilitated areas from a prior 10 days incursion. He also pointed out that the occupation forces destroyed the main water line supplying the Jenin Government Hospital, which requires more than 60 cubic meters of water daily. He noted that municipal teams will provide the hospital with water tanks until the line can be repaired.

During the same time as the Israeli occupation's incursion into Jenin and its refugee camp, several raids were conducted in villages and towns within the governorate, including Anza, Yamon, and Burqin. These actions led to the death of a woman and injuries to four others in Anza, as well as the arrest of two young men—one in Anza and another in Yamon.

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