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Detainees in Israel's Gilboa Prison Endure Harsh Conditions, Group Reports

Posted On: 19-09-2024 | National News , Prisoners , Human Rights
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Bethlehem/ PNN/  Manar Abudayah-

Prisoners held in Israel's Gilboa Prison are facing severe and inhumane treatment, according to a statement released by the Prisoners' Affairs Authority.

The group, citing testimony from a lawyer who recently visited the facility, said detainees are subjected to physical and verbal abuse intended to break their psychological resilience. 

The report detailed how prisoners are routinely beaten and insulted, forced to assume degrading positions during roll calls—kneeling with hands on their heads and facing the wall—and required to walk along designated lines during outdoor movement.

The authority also highlighted poor living conditions, including inadequate food and severe shortages of clothing and blankets. Skin diseases are reportedly spreading among detainees due to the lack of cleaning supplies and disinfectants. Overcrowding remains an issue, with prisoners struggling to move within the confines of their mats.

The lawyer was able to visit two detainees: Muhammad Naghniya, 42, from Jenin, who has been held in administrative detention since September 2023, and Kamal Taym, 25, from Tulkarm, detained since September 2022 and still awaiting trial. Both men remain in custody under harsh conditions.

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