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Doctors Without Borders raises concern on the unfolding situation in Gaza hospital.

Posted On: 14-02-2024 | Human Rights , International
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Gaza /PNN/

Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, has expressed concerns about the unfolding situation in Nasser in Khan Younis, in the Gaza Strip, calling on Israeli forces to make sure people trapped inside, including medical staff and civilians are unharmed.

The organization said on X that: "We are very worried about the situation unfolding at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza."

"MSF calls on Israeli forces to ensure that all medical staff, patients and displaced people are unharmed," it added. "Today, Israeli forces ordered all displaced people sheltering inside Nasser hospital, the largest in southern Gaza, to evacuate the facility. Medical staff and patients were told that they may remain in the hospital with a limit of one caretaker per patient."

"People are afraid to leave the hospital because they hear reports of people being shot at. Those who wish to leave must be granted safe passage out," it explained.

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