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Gaza : Communication and Internet Services to Cease on Thursday"

Posted On: 12-11-2023 | National News
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Gaza /PNN / 

Abdelmajid Melhem, the CEO of the Palestinian Telecommunications Group, announced during a press conference in Ramallah that the company will start losing essential components of its communication networks in Gaza from tomorrow due to an imminent fuel shortage. This will lead to a complete halt in communication and internet services in the region by Thursday.

Melhem further mentioned that to date, over 65% of the cellular and fixed network elements have already ceased operations due to the ongoing aggression, and the group has lost five of its employees in the region, including their families.

Despite Gaza's communication network being designed with high protection standards for coping with challenging circumstances and wars, the intense bombings caused unprecedented damage, resulting in the interruption of nearly 65% of the primary terrestrial and cellular communication network elements.

He highlighted the critical issue that the necessary fuel to power generators supplying communication towers and terminal stations is about to run out, causing the loss of vital network elements starting from Monday.

The Telecommunications Group has been striving to keep Gazan residents connected to relief, ambulance, emergency, and civil defense services by offering hundreds of millions of free minutes and messages during the ongoing conflict.

Melhem appealed to international organizations and entities associated with the situation to expedite fuel entry into Gaza as an urgent necessity.

Additionally, Dr. Issac Seder, the Minister of Communications, emphasized the imminent halt of communication and internet services in Gaza due to fuel depletion by next Thursday. This situation will worsen the humanitarian catastrophe, depriving citizens of the means to contact emergency, relief, and rescue services.

Seder highlighted that the loss of communication would affect civil defense and Red Crescent teams, hindering their ability to direct relief efforts, potentially resulting in the loss of many lives. He condemned these actions as violations of international law and fundamental rights established in international conventions, serving to mask the occupation's crimes.

Warning of the repercussions of this targeting, he cautioned against the disastrous effects resulting from the ongoing aggression in Gaza, impacting everything, including communication infrastructure and information technology

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