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PPS: calls on ICRC to exert all possible efforts to stop Israeli violations against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jai

Posted On: 07-11-2023 | Politics , Prisoners
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Bethlehem/PNN /

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) today called on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to exert all possible efforts to stop the violations committed by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails.

During a meeting in Ramallah, Head of PPS Qadora Faris briefed an ICRC delegation, including Graciela López Schaefer, ICRC's protection coordinator in occupied territories, on the overall details and updates on the Palestinian prisoners' issue, and the vicious attacks carried out against them by the Israeli prison service, including physical assaults and deprivation of right, among others.

He stressed the need to work for the swifter detection of numbers and data of Gaza detainees, whom the Israeli occupation refuses to reveal anything about their fate.

He further stressed the public discontent with the role played by the ICRC mission.

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