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International Conference on Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Announced by France

Posted On: 06-11-2023 | Politics , International
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Paris/PNN /

In response to the dire humanitarian situation faced by the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, severely affected by ongoing bombardments and a lack of essential resources, France, under President Macron's initiative to host an international conference on humanitarian aid for Gaza's civilians. 

According organizers this conference is scheduled to convene in Paris from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on November 9th. 

The primary objective of this conference is to galvanize key stakeholders engaged in providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza, with a firm commitment to taking concrete actions that will alleviate the suffering of Palestinian civilians in the beleaguered city. 

Participants will include states, major donors, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations actively involved in humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

The humanitarian conference will place particular emphasis on addressing three fundamental goals Most important is promoting International Humanitarian Law and Ensuring Civilian Protection: Efforts will be directed toward upholding international humanitarian law, safeguarding the lives of civilians and humanitarian personnel, and enhancing humanitarian access.  

The second goal is to Enhance the International Humanitarian Response: Key areas of focus include healthcare, access to clean water, energy resources, and the availability of food supplies to Gaza's residents.

The there’d goal is Mobilization of Support for On-Ground Organizations: Participants will rally support for international agencies and organizations operating within Gaza, recognizing their crucial role in delivering essential aid to the affected population.

Drawing from assessments conducted by the United Nations, notably UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), delegations will have the opportunity to outline ongoing and planned initiatives designed to assist Palestinian civilians in Gaza. These initiatives may encompass the deployment of field hospitals and the establishment of humanitarian air and sea corridors.

Furthermore, participating delegations will engage in discussions regarding their current financial commitments and will announce new pledges. This includes contributions aligned with the United Nations' funding appeal, reinforcing the collective commitment to addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of Gaza's civilian population.

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