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Israeli Forces Shoot and Kill Young Palestinian Man in Dheisheh Refugee Camp

Posted On: 29-10-2023 | National News
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Bethlehem/PNN - 

The young man Hussein Rabie was martyred as a result of being shot by Israeli occupation forces in the Dheisheh refugee camp south of Bethlehem city.

According to local sources, it was announced at the Beit Jala Government Hospital that the young man Rabie had succumbed to his injuries sustained from Israeli occupation forces' gunfire in the Dheisheh camp earlier today.

According to local sources, Rabie was injured on the rooftop of the building he resides in due to being shot by the Israeli occupation forces who had invaded the area and fired live ammunition intensively, and his injury went unnoticed for several hours.

Following the discovery of the martyr on the rooftop of his house, he was immediately transported by Red Crescent ambulances, and his martyrdom was announced.

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