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Kairos Palestine Issues Urgent Plea for Ceasefire After Bombing of Gaza's Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church

Posted On: 24-10-2023 | Politics , International
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Gaza /PNN/

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has taken a harrowing toll, pushing Kairos Palestine to issue a fervent call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the cycle of violence. In a distressing turn of events, The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, the revered bishop and patron saint of Gaza, became a recent casualty of the hostilities, with the church and its adjoining structures falling victim to bombings.

Tragically, the bombings resulted in the loss of seventeen lives among refugees who had sought shelter within the church's confines. The majority of these innocent victims were Christians. The magnitude of this human suffering is underscored by the recent bombing of the Baptist Hospital, which is overseen by the Anglican Church in Palestine, resulting in over five hundred tragic fatalities.

Kairos Palestine implores that this senseless aggression comes to an immediate halt. If the violence persists, it will only serve to perpetuate hatred and sow the seeds of future destruction. The question that lingers is why such destruction and bloodshed continue to be the intention. What has become of our collective humanity, and where do we draw the line?

What Gaza desperately needs is justice, peace, and an end to the sixteen-year-long siege and collective punishment it has endured. Rather than pursuing liberation, justice, and peace, the city is facing extermination.

The appeal is directed to the conscience of every individual, regardless of their faith or background, to the global community, the Arab and Islamic world, to Israel itself, and to all its allies. This is a plea to those who have played a role in the suffering or who have turned a blind eye to the plight of Gaza:

It is time to put an end to this war. The madness of humanity has reached its limits. What more destruction awaits us? As the scripture implores, "Love righteousness, you rulers of the earth" (Wisdom 1:1-2). Thus, we beseech the leaders of the world and of Israel to "be wise, be warned" (Psalms 2:10) and act swiftly to stop this war.

The crisis in Gaza demands an immediate ceasefire and a recommitment to peace, as humanity can no longer bear the weight of such suffering and devastation. The time to act is now.

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