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Fatal Israeli Raids in West Bank Claim Lives of Three Palestinian Civilian

Posted On: 19-10-2023 | Politics , National News
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Bethlehem, Ramallah, Tulkarm /PNN- 

Three Palestinian Citizens Martyred by Israeli Occupation Forces in the West Bank"

In the early hours of Thursday, three Palestinian citizens in the West Bank fell victim to the indiscriminate shootings by Israeli occupation forces during aggressive raid and search operations.

In Bethlehem, 14-year-old Ahmed Munir Sadaqah, residing in the Dheisheh refugee camp, tragically succumbed to a life-threatening gunshot wound inflicted by Israeli occupation forces.

Medical sources revealed that Sadaqah, aged 14, had sustained live gunfire in the head, leading to his condition being categorized as critical. He was rushed to a hospital, and later, medical professionals declared his martyrdom.

The Israeli forces invaded the Dheisheh refugee camp, located south of Bethlehem, where they unleashed live fire upon youths, causing injuries to four citizens, including the martyr Sadaqah. Additionally, they arrested a number of unidentified Gaza-based workers residing in Feneiq.

In the Tulkarm Governorate, 16-year-old Taha Mahamid from the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarm City, tragically lost his life after being left on the ground, bleeding, for nearly an hour by Israeli occupation forces. Moreover, they obstructed the ambulance vehicles from transferring him to the hospital.

The director of Thabit Thabit Governmental Hospital confirmed Mahamid's martyrdom after he suffered injuries from Israeli live bullets in Tulkarm refugee camp.

The Israeli forces had previously entered the camp and opened fire on the civilians, leading to Mahamid's live bullet injury. His father, while attempting to save his son and drag him to a safe place, got shot in the back by an Israeli sniper. His condition was stabilized at the hospital.

Furthermore, the Israeli forces carried out extensive searches within the camp and deployed snipers on the rooftops after invading the homes of several citizens in the Al-Mahjar and Jebel Al-Nasr areas.

In the Ramallah Governorate, two young men encountered Israeli occupation forces upon their intrusion into the village of Bidras, west of Ramallah.

Subsequently, confrontations ensued, and live bullets were fired by the Israeli forces, leading to the martyrdom of one of the young men, Jabril Awad, while the other sustained live bullet injuries. Both were transported to the Nalin Emergency Center and later to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

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