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Dr. Barghouti warns of Netanyahu’s ploy to carry out the ethnic cleansing of Gaza

Posted On: 10-10-2023 | Politics , National News
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Bethlehem/PNN /

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, the General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative, warned against the plot of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu to carry out the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip.

Barghouti reminds of Netanyahu’s statements at the start of the onslaught on Gaza, when he threatened all Palestinian residents with airstrikes and urged them to flee their homes. Today, this was revealed as an ethnic cleansing plot when the Israeli army’s spokesperson, Lt-Col. Richard Hecht, issued a statement that made headlines in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot. In the statement, Hecht called on all of Gaza’s residents to flee towards Egypt.

Barghouti added that this is the true explanation of Netanyahu’s statement at the UN that he is “changing the map of the Middle East” for decades to come. It is clear that he is aiming to repeat the massacres of the Zionist movement in 1948, which he aims to achieve through barbaric and indiscriminate airstrikes on civilians in their homes and to force them to flee or die.

Barghouti called on Egyptian leaders, Arab states, and the entire world to take a swift and decisive stand against Netanyahu’s dangerous plans to carry out a new crime of ethnic cleansing against the Gaza Strip, most of whom themselves were ethnically cleansed from their villages and their cities in the 1948 territories.

Barghouti called upon the international community to put a halt to its double standards that allow for the Netanyahu government and his army to perpetrate egregious war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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