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South Africa exempts Palestinian passport from entry visa

Posted On: 22-09-2023 | Politics , International
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 Bethlehem/PNN /

The government of South Africa exempted today Palestinian citizens who hold Palestinian passports from entry visas to South Africa.

Under this decision, Palestinian citizens will be granted entry visas at all airports, ports and border crossings in South Africa for a period of 90 days, without the need to issue visas from South African embassies.

A memorandum from the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation in South Africa addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine today, confirmed the implementation of the decision as of September 18, based on the official request of the State of Palestine from the South African government and the close follow-up by the Palestinian Embassy.

Commenting on the move, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Riyad al-Malik, welcomed the historic decision of the South African Government.

He considered the decision to be a new message of solidarity from South Africa in favor of the just cause of the Palestinian people.

The Minister reiterated that this decision is an embodiment of the principle of the South African foreign policy, and its belief that the freedom it obtained, and international solidarity it gained makes it imperative for South Africa to support the peoples suffering from colonialism and apartheid.

He praised the efforts made by the South African ministries of Interior and International Relations and Cooperation, members of Parliament, members of the ruling party and its allies, and all solidarity committees and civil society institutions, which contributed to achieving this move to facilitate the movement and livelihood of the Palestinian citizens.

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