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Two-story house demolished east of Hebron city

Posted On: 30-08-2023 | Human Rights
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Hebron /PNN /

 The Israeli occupation authorities today demolished a Palestinian-owned two-story house in an area east of the southern West Bank city of Hebron known as al-Bouira, according to local sources.

The sources said that Israeli forces accompanied a bulldozer to the area, leveled land and demolished the house owned by a local resident.

The army sealed off the area and prevented journalists and people from reaching it as the bulldozer proceeded to demolish the house.

Al-Bouira and nearby al-Baqa'a, considered the Hebron food basket, are facing a frenzied campaign by the occupation forces and settlers. Agricultural lands are bulldozed, homes demolished, and water pools, on which farmers depend to irrigate their crops, are destroyed to force the residents to leave their lands in order to be turned over to the settlers.

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