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Israeli forces mark face of Palestinian man with ‘Star of David’ during arrest

Posted On: 20-08-2023 | Human Rights , Israeli news
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Jerusalem /PNN/

Israeli forces have severely beaten a Palestinian man during an arrest before marking a “Star of David” on his face.

Media reports said this week that a Palestinian man, accused of drug trafficking at a refugee camp in East al-Quds, was beaten up by more than a dozen Israeli troops who then branded his face.

The Palestinian man’s lawyer was quoted as saying in a statement that the incident was “a grave case of intentional violence and humiliation of a detainee by police” and demanded an immediate police investigation.

Israeli media cited a court judge expressing "horror over the police’s conduct” and reportedly ordered the matter to be investigated by the Police Internal Investigations Department.

In a statement issued by Israeli police, the man had resisted arrest and police responded with “reasonable force.”

Israeli media published a checkered photo of the Palestinian victim’s face, where the mark was visible.

Israeli police have committed numerous crimes against Palestinians including violent raids and sweeping arrests, the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters, as well as subjecting detainees to ill-treatment, torture, and killing.

Israel is currently holding more than 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners, according to figures published by rights groups.

At least 1,200 of them are held without charge or trial in an internationally banned procedure known as administrative detention.


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