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Palestinians Rally in Haifa Against Israeli Attacks on Monastery: Settler Incursions Spark Protests

Posted On: 27-07-2023 | National News , Human Rights , Israeli news
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Haifa /PNN/

A crowd of Palestinians participated in a demonstration this Thursday afternoon in the square of Deir and Mar Elias Church in the city of Haifa, protesting against the Israeli attacks on the monastery.

Local sources reported that dozens of Palestinians took part in the demonstration, rejecting the ongoing attacks on the monastery.

Last night, a group of Israeli settlers stormed Deir Mar Elias in Haifa, which has been witnessing repeated and continuous attacks by Israeli “extremists.”

This attack comes just days after an attempt by a number of Israeli settlers to break into the Church and Monastery of Mar Elias, where the church has been subjected to attempts of intrusion and prayers performed inside by "Jewish religious" individuals for months.

Local sources reported to Al-Jarmaq that the area of the monastery and church has witnessed provocative attempts by a group of extremists. Several young people and observers were present to guard the monastery

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