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Bethlehem Municipality Opens Star street Market: A Sustainable Cultural and Artistic Market

Posted On: 15-07-2023 | National News
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Bethlehem Municipality has opened the Star Street Market, which is a sustainable cultural and artistic market located in the heart of Bethlehem city. The market is recognized as one of the World Heritage sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 

The market hosted craftsmen and traditional Palestinian handmade products, as well as seasonal agricultural food products. The market's activities were launched in collaboration with the "Naba' Al-Khayrat" Market, affiliated with the Rural Development Society, with funding and cooperation from the Municipality of Barcelona and Spanish cooperation.

The market's activities began on Saturday afternoon, with the participation of dozens of Palestinian craftsmen and their products. The event included heritage, artistic, and cultural activities, along with stalls selling handicrafts.

Hanna Hanania, the Mayor of Bethlehem, stated that the municipality's launch of these activities aims to revive Al-Najma Street, which holds multiple significances. It is a historical and religious street that witnessed the passage of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, leading to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The street has become a pilgrimage route and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, giving it and Bethlehem significant importance to this day.

“Bethlehem Municipality Revives Star Street with Sustainable Cultural Market”

Hanania added in an interview with the Palestinian News Network (PNN) that the street used to be vibrant with life around twenty years ago but has gradually turned into a deserted street, with closed shops. He emphasized that the municipality's current vision is to truly activate the street on a permanent basis, emphasizing that the municipality seeks to revive this important street for all the residents of Bethlehem due to its historical, religious, and national significance.

Hanania commended the efforts made by Bethlehem Municipality's teams in achieving the revitalization of the street. He also expressed his appreciation for the Spanish cooperation through the project with the Municipality of Barcelona. He emphasized that the revival of the street carries a message to all those who love Bethlehem and Al-Najma Street, calling on citizens to participate in the activities of the Al-Najma Street Market, which will continue until the end of the year, taking place twice a month.

Hanania sent a message of love to the citizens, praising the cooperation of the street's residents who have joined hands with the municipality to revive the street for its prosperity and the prosperity of the area's commerce.

Lucy Thaljieh, a member of Bethlehem City Council, stated that the revival of the street and the launch of Star Street Market activities are part of the municipality's plans. As it has become a vital street due to its historical significance as a pilgrimage route and its inclusion on the World Heritage list, efforts must be made to revive the street through a marketing plan that promotes it within the framework of the StarStreet Market project, which highlights its cultural identity as a cultural street.

Thaljieh, in an interview with the Palestinian News Network (PNN), explained that the events of the first day of the market, which will be held twice a month until Christmas, brought her joy as she witnessed people's desire to celebrate the street and its revival.

She emphasized that Bethlehem Municipality is committed to continuing the activation and operation of the street, which represents the old town and the civilization of Bethlehem. It is the street of the Patriarch and the pilgrimage route, with historical and religious significance. She stressed that the municipality has an ambitious plan for the street to become a tourist station where tourists can disembark at the Catholic Action Roundabout and then proceed to the Church of the Nativity.

On the other hand, Carmen Ghattas, Director of Public Relations and Media department at Bethlehem Municipality, stated that the municipality has been working with Spanish cooperation for years to revive the street. 

She added that there were significant efforts in the past to revive the street, but unfortunately, they were not sustainable. She emphasized that the current efforts focus on opening shops in a sustainable manner.

Ghattas explained that the municipality was able to obtain support from the Municipality of Barcelona through Spanish cooperation. The municipality rents the shops from their owners and provides them to craftsmen, artisans, and producers of various traditional Palestinian crafts and industries to support and encourage them, as well as to encourage citizens to buy these products.

Ghattas affirmed that Bethlehem Municipality works under the banner of the national, religious, and historical identity of the street by focusing on the handmade culture of industries. She pointed out that Bethlehem is known for its handicrafts, and anyone who has a cultural artistic craft can participate in the market's activities. She stated that the door is open to everyone. She also announced that the municipality has decided to organize cultural and artistic events, inviting everyone to come, participate, and celebrate the activities.

Rula Sarsar, Director of the Rural Women's Development Association, stated that the Bethlehem Street Market is being carried out in true cooperation and partnership with Bethlehem Municipality. The goal is to work on reviving the authentic street, where everyone is striving to revive the street, restore its heritage and life through cultural activities and market festivals for products made by women in a clean and chemical-free manner.

Furthermore, as Sarsar mentioned in an interview with the Palestinian News Network (PNN), the launch of the Al-Najma "Star Street Market included stalls selling handicrafts, along with organizing programs for children's entertainment and joy, as well as activities for their families. She explained that the market will be organized twice a month on Saturdays, inviting all craftsmen to participate and urging all citizens to stroll and enjoy the market.

In a show of optimism and excitement, numerous residents of Bethlehem have expressed their happiness and support for the revival of Star Street Market. believe that the revitalization of this iconic street holds multiple positive objectives, including boosting the local economy and improving living conditions by promoting the sale of handicrafts and traditional cuisine.

The reopening of Star Street has also provided the community with a space for celebration and joy in a city that has long been surrounded by occupation, with its lands continuously confiscated by the Israeli authorities. Due to the restrictive policies imposed by Israel, opportunities for genuine happiness have become scarce. However, the revived market and its vibrant activities offer residents a chance to find solace and create moments of joy for themselves and their children.

The revitalization efforts by Bethlehem Municipality, in collaboration with Spanish cooperation, have been widely applauded. The initiative not only aims to revitalize the economic and cultural fabric of Al-Najma Street but also seeks to restore a sense of pride and hope in the hearts of the local population. By providing a platform for artisans and small-scale businesses to showcase their craftsmanship and popular local delicacies, the market acts as a catalyst for economic growth and community empowerment.

Local residents are embracing the revived Star Street Market as a symbol of resilience and resistance against the challenging circumstances they face daily. It serves as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of Bethlehem and offers a much-needed opportunity to reclaim the right to celebrate and rejoice in the face of adversity.

The event featured entertaining and artistic activities, as well as recreational and psychological relief activities to provide space for children and mothers to have fun. Suhad Al-Jaafari, a psychological and social specialist at the Rural Women's Development Association, stated that the association, in collaboration with Bethlehem Municipality, organized recreational activities for children to allow them to express their creativity. There were also activities such as drawing, storytelling, face painting, and artistic entertainment events.

On his part, the artist and children's clown, Ihab Zablah, the director of Ammu Miki's troupe, expressed his happiness to have their first performance. He expressed hope that the activities contributed to promoting and publicizing Bethlehem. The atmosphere was pleasant and joyful, and he expressed his wish for the market to become a daily and permanent market in this street.

The first day of the Star Street Market in Bethlehem featured several activities, including the national anthem performed by the BRASS FOR PEACE band and an entertainment show for children by the Ammu Mini troupe, which included various entertainment segments, face painting, and a musical performance by the Mazaaj band.


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