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US Expresses Deep Concern Over Israeli Settlement Announcements

Posted On: 19-06-2023 | Politics , International
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Washington / PNN / 

The United States Department of State announced that it is deeply concerned about the announcement of Israeli settlements.

In a statement, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that the United States is extremely concerned about reports of the Israeli government moving forward with plans for over four thousand settlement units in the West Bank.

He further stated that they are similarly concerned about changes in the administration of the settlement system in Israel that accelerate the planning and approval of settlements.

He emphasized that the United States continues its longstanding policy of opposing these unilateral actions that hinder the achievement of a two-state solution and impede peace.

The American spokesperson called on the Israeli government to fulfill its commitments made in the Aqaba in Jordan and Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt, and to return to meaningful dialogue to de-escalate the situation

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