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Construction, road, water networks, and sewage cost indexes up in West Bank during March

Posted On: 26-04-2023 | Economy
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The Construction Cost Index (CCI) for residential buildings in the West Bank increased by 1.24% during March compared with February, today said the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).

The increase was due to a rise in prices of labor costs and wages by 1.92%, raw materials by 1.01%, and rental of equipment by 0.18%.

CCI for non-residential buildings also increased by 1.19% during March compared with February due to an increase in prices of labor costs and wages by 1.92%, raw materials by 0.96%, and rental of equipment by 0.04%

CCI for skeleton buildings also increased by 2.06% due to an increase in the prices of raw materials by 2.34%, labor costs and wages by 1.86%, and rental of equipment by 0.17%.

The overall Road Cost Index (RCI) in the West Bank increased by 0.85% during March compared with February due to an increase in the prices of labor costs and wages by 2.67%, rental of equipment by 0.71%, and raw materials by 0.69%, while the prices of operating costs of equipment decreased by 0.36%.

The overall Water Networks Cost Index (WNCI) in the West Bank increased by 1.01% during March compared with February, Water Reservoirs Cost Index increased by 2.41%, the Water Networks Cost Index increased by 0.42%, and the Sewage Networks Cost Index (SNCI) increased by 0.29%, said the PCBS.

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