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Facebook Deletes wattan Network's Page, Violating Freedom of Speech

Posted On: 13-03-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Ramallah / PNN/

Facebook has deleted the page of the Wattan Media Network on Sunday as part of its campaign against Palestinian national content and narratives, in a clear violation of freedom of speech and expression. 

The deletion of the page has resulted in blocking media content for its 3.6 million followers.

The administration of the Wattan Media Network stated that the closure of the network's page and the accounts of its editors by Facebook is part of its campaign against Palestinian national content, which contradicts all international covenants and treaties that guarantee freedom of opinion and expression for all individuals.

Several weeks ago, the Facebook administration deleted the page of the Palestine News Network, as part of its fight against Palestinian content as well


The network's administration added that the deletion of its page is part of Facebook's double standards policy, as it systematically works to silence the Palestinian voice and narrative and prevent it from reaching the world, while allowing Israeli pages and accounts to spread their racist and provocative messages inciting the killing of Palestinians.

The administration of Wattan Network confirmed that Facebook's policy of silencing voices will fail to stop them from presenting the Palestinian message and narrative to the world and delivering news professionally to their followers. 

They noted that this is not the first time that Watan page has been targeted, as it has been subject to a series of violations, including restricting the page's access and banning and deleting some of its content.

The network's administration said they will do their utmost to restore their page in cooperation with institutions and organizations working to defend Palestinian digital rights. 

They called on the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications to fulfill its responsibilities in taking measures to stop Facebook's violations against Palestinian content and pages.

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