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9 Palestinians killed, dozens injured by live bullets, some critical, in an Israel army incursion

Posted On: 22-02-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Nablus /PNN/

9 Palestinians were killed today, one of them elderly, and dozens were injured by live bullets, six reported in critical to very critical condition, in an Israeli army incursion into the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to the Ministry of Health and local sources.

The Health Ministry said Adnan Saabe Baara, 72, Tamer Nimr Minawi, 33, Khaled Mohammad Anbsousi, 25, Musab Munir Awais, 26, Hussam Bassam Isleem, 24, and Mohammad Omar Abu Baker, 23, were killed by Israeli army gunfire while 73 others are getting treatment from live bullet wounds at Nablus hospitals, four said to be critical and two very critical. Two journalists were also injured lightly by live bullets while covering the army incursion.

Sources in Nablus said a large army force raided the old city of Nablus at a peak business hour and while students were in their schools and surrounded a house while heavily shooting in all directions.

Residents confronted the soldiers, who, in addition to firing live bullets, fired tear gas and sound bombs at the homes and shops causing many suffocation cases in the densely populated old city.

The Red Crescent in Nablus said the Israeli army prevented its ambulances from reaching and evacuating the wounded in the old city.

With the killing of the six, a total of 55 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army gunfire since the start of the year, including 10 minors, one woman and an elderly man.

Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh condemned today the continuous Israeli aggression on the northern West Bank city of Nablus, which has so far resulted in the death of six Palestinian citizens and the injury of more than 70 others, six of whom are in critical condition.

The presidential spokesman held the Israeli government responsible for this dangerous escalation, which is pushing the region toward tension and an explosion.

“The crime committed by the occupation forces in the city of Nablus today reaffirms the importance of our demand that the international community must act immediately to stop the Israeli crimes against our people, their land and their sanctities, and stop the unilateral Israeli measures,” said Abu Rudeineh in a statement, calling on the US administration “to take immediate action and put effective pressure on the Israeli government to stop its crimes and continuous aggression against our people.”

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