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EU considering adopting restrictive measures against Israel for demolition of EU-funded structures

Posted On: 11-01-2023 | Politics , International
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The European Union said today that in light of Israel’s demolition of EU-funded structures in the occupied West Bank, it is considering adopting restrictive measures against Israel.

“The EU has consistently reiterated its strong opposition to Israel's settlement policy and illegal actions taken in this context. It has repeatedly reminded Israel of the need to meet its obligations under international law, and especially international humanitarian law, towards the Palestinian population in the occupied West Bank, including in Area C and East Jerusalem. Moreover, the EU is engaging in public advocacy that includes frequent visits of various sites in the occupied Palestinian territory by the EU and its Member States representatives,” it said in a statement.

“The Commission is keeping track of all demolitions and confiscations of donor-funded structures, including EU-funded assets and the related financial damage. At this stage a list of possible options to secure compensation from Israel for EU funding lost in demolitions has not been discussed. On a number of occasions, Israel was requested to return, or compensate for, EU-funded assets that have been demolished, dismantled or confiscated by Israel,” said the statement.

“The EU continues to use a variety of diplomatic and political channels in order to enhance its stance and the effectiveness of the overall EU support, including through the recent EU Statement on the occasion of the Association Council. It is for the Council, acting by unanimity, to decide on the possible adoption of EU restrictive measures.”

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