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Hunger-striking prisoner rejects Israeli suspension of administrative detention order, demands his release

Posted On: 20-08-2022 | National News , Prisoners , Human Rights
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Palestinian hunger striking prisoner, Khalil Awawda, yesterday rejected a decision by an Israeli military official suspending his administrative detention and therefore decided to continue with his hunger strike demanding cancellation of the order.

Awawda has been on hunger strike for almost six months demanding an end to his prolonged administrative detention.

Awawda’s lawyer, Ahlam Haddad, said that her client will not end his hunger strike until the Israeli military government accepts his demand in canceling it, and not simply freezing the order.

She said that the health condition of Awawda is critical and he can hardly move or talk.

Awawda is kept at an Israeli hospital, with his hands cuffed to the bed, following the serious deterioration of his health due to the long hunger strike.

He launched his hunger strike in March and went for 111 days before ending it on June 21 after the Israeli authorities promised to end his administrative detention. However, he resumed his fast on July 5 after Israel reneged on its promise and instead of releasing him at the end of his administrative detention in June, renewed it for four more months.

Palestinians believe the suspension decision is a ploy to get the prisoner to end and recover from his hunger strike before reinstating the administrative detention order.

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