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HRW : US most Investigate the Killing of Shireen Abu Aqla

Posted On: 29-07-2022 | National News , Human Rights
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Washington/PNN/ Human Rights Watch said that US government most Investigate Killing of Shireen Abu Aqla the Americans Palestinian jounalist killd by IOF. The organization said in a statement that PNN received that the family of Shireen Abu Alqa, a Palestinian American journalist killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, is visiting Washington to call on the United States to conduct an independent investigation into Shireen’s death. Sarah Yager, Washington director at Human Rights Watch said:“Human Rights Watch stands in solidarity in Washington with the family of Shireen Abu Aqla, a Palestinian American journalist killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank”. Yager added  that all the evidence points to Israeli forces having killed her. Her family shouldn’t have had to come here to ask the US government to investigate. As she was a US citizen, getting to the bottom of Shireen’s death should have been a priority and not politicized Yager said. The Human Right Watch director said that the organization echo the family’s calls for the United States to open an investigation.”

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