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Unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, and collective punishment are a lived reality of Israeli apartheid

Posted On: 20-04-2022 | Human Rights
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LONDON/PNN/ Unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, and collective punishment are a lived reality of Israeli apartheid for Palestinians, according to Amnesty International (AI). “Apartheid is not just a relic of the past, it is the lived reality for Palestinians across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories—it is happening to this day,” said AI in a tweet. “We, at Amnesty, are monitoring reports of unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, and collective punishment,” it said in reference to the latest Israeli actions against Palestinians. “Apartheid is valuing the life of one group more than that of another, Israel’s apartheid is maintained through killings, torture, and denying Palestinians their basic rights. It is a crime against humanity. This must end,” it said. Amnesty International is the author of Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanitypublished two months ago which exposed Israel's apartheid regime against the Palestinians in the occupied territories and in Israel.

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