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Gantz to approve the Construction of New Settlement Units in the OPT

Posted On: 12-04-2022 | Politics
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Bethlehem/PNN/ By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

The National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report, that new tenders for the construction of 96 settlement units in the Adam settlement, northeast of the occupied city of Jerusalem were announced by the Israeli Occupation Municipality in Jerusalem, part of which a tender J/C/82-2020 to encircle the occupied city with a settlement cordon that can expand the settlement of Givat Hamtwas, where 680 settlement units will be built on private Palestinian lands.

According to Israeli sources, the Israeli Settlements Council in the occupied West Bank has completed the planning procedures for building 4,000 new settlement units in various Israeli settlements, awaiting final approval from Army Minister, Benny Gantz.

The plan includes the construction of housing units outside the settlement blocs and in remote and isolated settlements, such as the settlements of Ravva and Tabuh, in addition to allocating 1,000 settlement units for ultra-Orthodox Jews.

The list of settlement plans published by the “Yesha” settlement council showed the settlers’ intention to build 650 settlement units in the “Tel Zion” settlement, 360 settlement units in the Emmanuel settlement east of Qalqilya, 377 in Kedumim, 192 in Sha’arei Tikva, 136 in Taffouh, 90 in Dolf and 32 settlement units in the Ma’ale Adumim settlement near Jerusalem, besides, the construction of 193 settlement units in the “Efrat” settlement near Bethlehem, 179 settlement units in the Einav settlement east of Tulkarm, 168 settlement units in Talmon, 136 in Givat Ze’ev, 107 in Hinamit, 93 in Tzofim and 64 in Revava and 136 in Pisgat Ze’ev, near Jerusalem. According to the list, there are 10 settlements that are considered relatively isolated; the settlements of Revava and Taffouh are of them.

Within the context of restricting the movement of the Jerusalemites, the occupation municipality in Jerusalem approved a plan to expand the smart monitoring systems and the network of cameras in all areas of contact and confrontations in the occupied city, as they installed cameras in other settlements, at junctions and other locations around the city. Last week, a new tunnel and excavations were uncovered by the “Elad” settler association, in complete secrecy, 130 meters from the southeastern wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Evidence for the secret construction of the tunnel is that the workers and crews of the occupation and the settlement association brought equipment and machinery into the tunnel, which is adjacent to the “Ein al-Adara” water complex that the Canaanites dug, all the way to the Ein Silwan underground complex with a length of 533 meters, which is a closed military area that no one can enter. Excavations are carried out underground at a depth of 40 meters, while the opening of the tunnel is from 2 to 3 meters.

Meanwhile, the "Temple Groups" called for organizing mass incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque during the "Hebrew Passover" holiday, in mid-April, and offering sacrifices inside the courtyards of the Temple Mount. The call to storm Al-Aqsa was published on social networks in the name of the "Temple Congregation Staff", accompanied by a picture of a small lamb as a symbol of the sacrifice that the rabbis threaten to slaughter at Al-Aqsa during the "Hebrew Passover" this year.

The call for mass incursions and the establishment of Biblical prayers and Talmudic rituals inside Al-Aqsa Square came after a meeting held by a group of rabbis in Al-Buraq Square and their provocative tour in the courtyards of the Haram last week

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