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Israeli occupation sniper kill 14 year boy near Bethlehem

Posted On: 22-02-2022 | National News , Human Rights
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Bethlehem /PNN/

Israeli occupation sniper shot and killed tonight a 14-year-old boy in the town of al-Khader, near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem, according to the Ministry of Health.

Another heartbreak tonight, a 14 year old Palestinian child killed by Israeli sniper south of Bethlehem. Israeli occupation soldiers stripped him of his clothes & took photos of the bleeding body of a child,

Mohammad Shehadeh was shot and critically wounded during confrontations between soldiers who raided the town and local youths, according to a local activist.

Activist Ahmad Salah,said the soldiers opened live fire at the Palestinians injuring Shehadeh before detaining him. The soldiers also prevented Palestinian ambulances from reaching him.

The Ministry of Health said later that Shehadeh has died of his wounds.


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