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Tayseer Khaled: Anti-Semitism is no longer a shield protecting Israeli apartheid state

Posted On: 06-02-2022 | Politics
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Tayseer Khaled, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, member of the political bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, described Amnesty International’s assertion in its report, which is presented at its press conference in Jerusalem, that Israel is building throughout Palestine a brutal system of domination, apartheid and human crime, as a bold step, that opens the way for international justice to take its course to hold the war criminals in Israel accountable.

He added that the organization's report confirmed that the sword of anti-Semitism, which Israel defames in the face of critics of its brutal regime and its criminal practices, no longer benefits it in anythingو in light of demolition of Palestinian homes and facilities, killings on the roads and intersections along with the West Bank and in Jerusalem and in Gaza Strip, the crimes of transfer and the silent ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the areas south of Hebron and in the Palestinian Valleys.

Tayseer Khaled continues, that In light of the facts and data presented by Amnesty International in its new report, which coincide with the reports of Israeli human rights organizations such as B'Tselem and Yesh Din and international organizations such as Human Rights Watch, called on Karim Khan the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to assume responsibilities, not to delay opening a criminal investigation into the crimes committed by Israel, especially after the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Court confirmed on the fifth of February last year that its jurisdiction includes all the occupied Palestinian territories since June 1967 including occupied East Jerusalem.

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